Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day of School

Big Girl started her first day of Grade One yesterday. She did well. She was under the impression that there would be toys though. When she found out there wouldn't be, she said, "Well . . . it is okay that there isn't a lot of toys as long as we don't have to sit still and do our work allll the time." . . . . I think she handled the news that there was more work in Grade one very well.

She was was at the bus stop today and then came all the way home from the bus stop to tell me good-bye again. I said good-bye and then asked her if she needed a hug. She said yes. So I hugged her and sent her off to school. Silly girl.

Big Girl is in love with helping with her sister. So much so that she over does it sometimes, "helping" when the baby is sleeping and such. But she is so good-hearted and loving that I just explain that she has to wait until the baby is awake to help.

Click the pic below to view see more pics of her first day of school in our Family Foto Album

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