Thursday, September 11, 2008

Big Girl Funny

Big Girl is so funny these days. She came down the stairs the other day and asked me, "Mommy, in order for you to have a baby you have to have a seed in there right?"

Deciding it was too late to continue the same explanation I have been trying to get her to understand since I got pregnant with her sister, I took the easy way out. "Yes, that's right."

She nodded her head knowingly, "Okay, then I am never going to swallow a seed because I don't want to have a baby."She stated. "They're too much work. She flung over her shoulder as she went back into her room."

Which reminds me, she has this habit of continuing to talk away as she walks back into her room. Most of the time we have no idea what she is saying, if she wants us to know, or if she is even talking to us.

Another cute thing is that she is convinced that the baby monitor is a two way radio. When she notices that the baby monitor is on and that the baby is upstairs, she will lean over, put her mouth up to the speaker and talk to her sister. She says things like, "Hi baby, I love you baby." and all sorts of things like that. She really is very sweet.

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