Saturday, May 17, 2008

Random Thoughts

Well, the day didn’t start off too well, I came downstairs to have a cup of coffee and watch a decorating show before I started my day and my cable box was dead. No life at all. I was NOT a happy girl.

I woke up this morning with a weird soreness in the muscles below my ever-expanding belly, I don't know why because I don't think I did anything to cause it. I kept tossing and turning last night trying to get comfortable so I could sleep. I must have driven poor Daddy crazy.

Daddy’s Aunt is bring us some stuff for the baby today. I am looking forward to seeing what it is so that I can check my list and see what else we need. His other Aunt is bringing us some other things in a few days, so that will help as well. My nesting instinct is driving us all crazy at this point and I have this insane need to get all my ducks in a row.

If the soreness eases up, I will get at the nursery later today. I am so looking forward to having it done.

My mop fell apart and I ran out of stuff for my Swiffer so I can’t wash my floor and that is driving me crazy as well.

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