Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kindergarten concert

Big Girl had her Kindergarten concert and graduation ceremony yesterday.

It was about the cutest thing I have ever seen. I was so proud of her. She waved at me and blew me kisses at the end of every song. And she did each performance looking directly at me to make sure I saw her. (I about died laughing when she asked to go pee in the middle of the show. LOL)

When they showed a slide show of the year at the end, I cried. A lot. It was sweet to see how much she has grown in the last year. I can't believe she isn't my baby anymore. She will never be this little again.

with Mrs. Suley

with kids from out street

with kids from out street

with kids from out street

with neighbour boy

getting diploma

giving concert directly to mommy

performing her part

kindergarten concert

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