Sunday, February 8, 2009

Now That's Entertainment!

It is funny how one little person can enthrall two grown people and wrap their hearts around her little fingers.

Last night, Baby Girl was practicing her rolling over. She was laying on the floor and she kept rolling over onto her little belly. Then she would wiggle and squirm and try desperately to roll back over onto her back. Every time she got upset, Daddy or I would get down, show her where to put her arms and legs and help her roll over. After we showed her, she would flip right back over and we could see her trying to put her arms and legs where we showed her. It was so cute. We watched her work so hard, working her little arms and legs. (Btw, the way she was working her legs, was amazingly close to crawling!)

And after a long while of us watching her and helping her, I sat back and thought about how entertained we were by her. Here we had a show on television paused for over 1/2 hour so that we watch our baby try to roll onto her back. LOL

She seems to be growing and changing so fast lately. She is doing so many things so much better than she used to: sitting up to eat, grasping her toys, trying to find and grabbing her toys, rolling over, etc. She is giggly and happy and drooly and squishy and snuggly and she is about the sweetest, baby I have ever seen.

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