Thursday, February 25, 2010

Little Girl

I have to share about Little Girl. She is just sooo squishously cute these days. She loves books of all sorts and sits down at 18 months old and turns the pages carefully and looks at them. She is mischievous and funny. She climbs into anything she can see and squishes into anything she can. She is determined and if she sees you putting down something she is not allowed to have she comes stompin' charging across the floor on her chubby little legs to get that item before you have a chance to pick it up. She is a problem solver and if she can't get something, she is likely to pull a chair up to it to try to get it or to find some other method that you hadn't thought of. She is just too darned smart for MY own good. She is so happy and bubbly that just being near her puts me in a good mood. She is very very precious and at times seems old beyond her years (or rather her year and a half LOL).

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