Friday, November 7, 2008

Well, they fixed it

They fixed the fridge. It was three days before I could use it and I lost a lot of food, but at least we have a fridge again.

Big Girl is standing beside me, feeling her sister. It is really sweet. She just decided that she looked hungry, so she is feeding her.

Big Girl has taken to dressing up in her room. She comes down in the cutest little outfits. It is really sweet. Lately she has taken to being a Princess. Just the other day, she came down as a Cinderella riding a dragon. LOL

I am attempting to put Baby Girl to sleep without being swaddled tonight. It will probably be a long night, but she is getting too big for her swaddling blanket and she makes me nervous. She is growing like crazy! She is already wearing 6 - 9 month clothing!!

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