Saturday, April 5, 2008

Maggie Moments--Letters from Mommy

I am so grateful for you. I am glad that you are the kind of baby that you are. It reassures me that you are as fiesty as you are. I know that my friend lost her baby girl at this age and that another friend lost her baby recently and she was the same age as you. But when I get nervous, you poke me, kick me, and nudge me, reminding me just how spunky you are, that you are my little fighter and you are in there waiting for me.

I am imagining your nursery and wondering what kind of themes you might like. Would you like Winnie the Pooh, or maybe Under the Sea would be better. Or maybe, I could play with a white and yellow theme. Should I use stencils? Or maybe paint a mural. It such fun to dream.

I am thinking Winnie the Pooh is the perfect theme for my baby girl's room. All done in soft colors, it would be really sweet.

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