Daddy and I have been enjoying our family. Our girls are both beautiful and bring so much joy to our lives. And even though it took us 5 years to add Baby girl to our family, she is even more special than I could have known. Big Girl is such an amazing big sister and takes great joy in helping Mommy out.
When I was in the hospital having Baby Girl, I got to talking to a doctor about how long it took for us to bring her into our lives. And after a few questions, the doctor said that she felt, I had PCOS. I haven't been tested but after reading about PCOS and all it symptoms, I do feel that she is right. The more I read, the more it feels like I am reading a manual about my body and so many things about it make so much more sense; my troubles getting pregnant, my irregular cycle, my weight, my blood sugar issues, the way my hair is thinnning out in the front, my blood pressure issues, fatigue, those weird little skin tages that keep appearing, those nasty hairs I shave off of my neck and pretend they were never there. These are all signs and symptoms of PCOS. It is such a relief to see it there in black and white. A lot of the symptoms have to do with the way my body does not process carbohydrates properly, it messes with sugar levels, hormones, causes strong sugar cravings and weight issues.
One thing about PCOS is that it does make it difficult to get pregnant, but eating a diet low in carbohydrates and losing just a little weight will help with that. With PCOS weight loss is difficult, but with dedication it is possible. So that is what I am going to do.
Daddy and I have talked about it and we would like to have another baby. We want to add one last addition to our family. We feel that if I can lose this baby weight and get back to my prepregnancy weight, this is possible. And even if I have difficult pregnancies, I recover very quickly after I have my beautiful little baby. I have always wanted to have three children and since we are so happy with our little family, we are going to try for that.
Now given my age and the difficulties we have getting pregnant, we are trying right away.