Monday, October 27, 2008


Nothing too exciting is happening in our world at the moment. Baby girl is as sweet and wonderful as ever and growing like crazy. I swear, I go to bed and she grows 3 inches before I wake! Big girl is doing well in school and really enjoying the year so far. We really like her teacher and that helps a lot.

We bought a video camera on the weekend so as soon as we can figure out how to upload the videos, and get the proper drivers, we may have videos of the girls to share.

We are proud of Big for one thing this weekend. She gave up her bib! She is now a big girl who doesn't suck her thumb with her bib when she goes to sleep! I am so proud of her for that!! On Friday night before going to bed, she came downstairs and said to me, "Mommy, I don't think I need this anymore. It smells stale." And she just handed me her bib! She decided that she wasn't going to sleep with her bib anymore! She has been sucking her thumb with this bib since she was 6 months old and she is now SIX! I am so proud of her for being brave enough to give it up. She is growing in leaps and bounds these days and this is one more step on the road to being a big girl.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008


We are doing well here. Baby Girl is sweet as ever and has slept 7 - 8 hours for three of the last four nights. It is getting cold here and Big Girl had to wear her winter jacket to school the last few days. She is getting so tall these days as is Baby girl. I have two tall tall girls. We got Baby Girl measured and weighed on Friday. She is now in the 60th percentile for weight and she was only in the 28th percentile a month ago. She has gone from 73rd percentile for height to the 80th percentile. So, she is 11 lbs, 7 oz and 23.6 inches long. She is very active for her age. She babbles all the time now and giggles. I love to watch her eyes light up when I talk to her.

More pics are on Family Fotos.

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